Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Candle in the Silence

We were some of the last people to leave church today and my six year old ran into the chapel just before we left.  I had a moment to contemplate the sanctuary lamp before we left.  For context, this is the candle always kept burning before the reserved Eucharist elements to commemorate the presence of god in the sanctuary.  Enjoying that sacred moment while being aware of the condescending attitude towards Ex Mormons that is routinely expressed in General Conference led to me writing a poem to explore the beauty of that moment along with the the pain I always feel around this time of year knowing people I care about are being taught to think ill of me.

The Candle in the Silence

The candle is in the silence,
The ghost of incense remains.
The music has all gone quiet.
Outside, the words of fear persist.

The candle is in the presence,
The Spirit of prayer remains.
The music of soul is silent.
Outside, the words of fear persist.

The candle is in the silence,
The Spirit of God remains.
The music of silence is ardent.
Outside, the words of fear persist.

The candle of silence is brilliant,
The Spirit of Love invades.
Life’s music and joy is fervent.
Outside, the words of fear persist.

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